Just got off the Larry Young Morning Show on 1010am WOLB. From time to time I appear there as a special corespondent. I truly enjoy being around former Maryland State Senator Larry Young and his morning show staff. Sen. Young has been a huge inspiration to me and he probably doesn't even know, because I'm too shy to tell him.
Today, in the Baltimore Sun, they speak about the taxi drivers gaining victory over the PSC. The Sun article fails to mention myself, or the host of the afternoon show I executive produce. Thing is, we've been railing on the PSC and rallying the drivers together, for over 1 year now. We didn't just come out of no where.
It's a shame too, because the Baltimore Sun KNOWS us, they know what we do, yet they REFUSE to write a single word about us. Now reader, I ask you this, what kind of slanted, selective garbage is this? Seriously. Can they even be trust to have accuracy in other areas? If they pick and choose what important elements of a story to leave in, and often leave out ALL the major elements, how can they claim "light to all," or what ever their slogan is.
THINK ABOUT IT! The Baltimore Spectator (that's me) is a bit confused over what's really going on with the Baltimore Sun.
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