Sadly this morning when I got to my office, one of the first messages I received was about the passing away of radioman TJ Roberts. I didn't know TJ very well, but I have a distinct memory of him to share. Initially I attempted writing it on his tribute page, but was told by the FaceBook system it was too long to post. So rather than doing a butcher edit job on thoughts of mine which so freely flowed and are genuinely from the heart, I decided to post them on my personal blog:
OH MY GOSH! What happened here? I had no idea. My eyes are literally filling with tears at this moment. Didn't know him very well, but I can DISTINCTLY recall my few conversations with him (Remember Jen?). Allow me to share the memory that stands out the most;
When I first met TJ, it was at an Ed Norris event. Pretty certain it was at High Toppes. Jen Naylor had introduced us. TJ and I stood next to each other, and had one of the greatest conversation I could ever expect to have, with a total stranger I was just introduced to.
Here is where it gets really interesting . . .
As a part time radio guy off and on for the last nearly 20 years, we both had a lot to talk about. TJ took the talk in the direction of voiceovers. He mentioned how much he enjoys them, and the many reasons why, and I concurred.
I asked him at that point what was his most memorable recent project. He told me he had just finished a public service announcement for Chicago Midway Airport. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "NO WAY!"
TJ was like, "no really, why is that so hard to believe." My answer was simple. I had just flew back to Baltimore from Chicago. While at MIDWAY AIRPORT, there was this repeating message mentioning a new "cell phone waiting area" for folks picking up passengers but needing to wait in their cars. My girlfriend and I at the time both commented on "the voice" and it actually stuck out to us for being cool and quality.
How shocking to me, when just a day or two after this, I was standing talking to the man, TJ, back in BALTIMORE, about a project of his I heard, and thought was cool, way out in CHICAGO. And I had never even met him before. Truly it's a small world, and I have a fairly good memory. So it's for this reason I find myself weepy eyed this morning.
I should add one final thought: my music is currently on shuffle, the random song now playing is "You Only Get What You Give (Don't Give Up!) by the "New Radicals." Could this be a message from another world???
"But when the night is falling, you cannot find a friend, When your dream is breaking, trust me, you got the music in you, DON'T LET GO....DON'T GIVE UP, ....CAN'T FORGET,... WE ONLY GET WHAT WE GIVE...DON'T GIVE UP, YOU GOT A REASON TO LIVE. . .THIS WHOLE DAMN WORLD, CAN FALL APART, YOU'LL BE OK, FOLLOW YOUR HEART. YOU'RE IN HARMS WAY, I'M RIGHT BEHIND" -- All actual lyrics from this song.
TJ, I'm sure you followed your heart, your presence will be forever felt, and for the rest of us, our world but for a moment, may have have fallen apart. Fallen apart with the thoughts and memories of someone who impressed and touched more people, through the power of media, and the invisible force of sound, than he could ever have known.
May God bless your soul, and may you rest in peace.
APOLLOS Frank-James MacArthur
Radio-One producer/talk personality
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