Adversity is something we all must go through in this life. Some of us more than others.
How we handle it when it comes makes all the difference.
At times doors have to be slammed shut, not just closed, so you get a message loud and clear that it's time for you to get out of there. Where ever "there" happens to be.
Not every place we find ourselves getting comfortable and wanting to linger for a while, is necessarily where God wants us.
When you trust in Divine Guidance and God tells you FORWARD MARCH, you move. Without hesitation. Even if what lays ahead is unknown.
Faith or fear, which will you choose to embrace?
I love the motto of Clan MacArthur; part of my family's ancestral roots.
Translated from the Latin it literally means FAITH and WORK. For me the only keys to any meaningful success in this world.
No matter what may come, the many challenges and battles that await, I will continue to put my full faith and trust in my Heavenly Father. The Almighty God. To Him be the glory!
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