10 January 2020

Learn To Have Patience

For without it life could be made more painful than it truly needs to be...

"Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands. "

~ Seneca

In life there will be many times and situations where things just aren't moving fast enough for us and there's nothing we can do about it. This is simply an inescapable part of our existence here on Earth.


Getting upset or trying to rush things when they shouldn't be is often a fruitless exercise of frustration. Not everything is going to move at our pace. We need to condition ourselves to appreciate each step of the process.

You really do have to crawl before you can walk. And baby steps are progress too. It's how confidence and skill are developed first before moving on to bigger things. We don't try to rush a baby when they're learning to walk because we know it will take however long it will take and that's just that.

But how quickly we forget this critical lesson that comes early in life. Baby's don't give up when their efforts fail to bring fast results. Their parents don't either. Yet there are areas we think we have the power to speed things up and get mad when it doesn't go like we'd hoped it would.

Remember the fruit is the last part to develop on a plant or tree. The tiny seeds must first germinate. Then roots form as a stem begins to grow. Then leaves appear as the stem turns to branches. All while the roots are getting stronger and longer under the ground where no one can see them, and the tree or plant grows taller.

It is not until everything is just right and have fallen into place do the flowers form, get pollinated and bring forth fruit. This is the sweet reward for the patient planter who has learned to nurture while growth takes place. His patience pays off in a bountiful harvest. Life is no different.

If the fruit forms too soon, the branches are unable to bear its weight and collapse. The fruit becomes bruised or lost completely. There's a reason the internal programming sequence doesn't try to bear fruit until the time is right. And neither should you.

So be patient and let things take the time they must, even if to you it doesn't all make sense on the surface. Trying to rush things often doesn't end well.