12 January 2012

Working With What You Have

A motivational moment with A.F. James MacArthur Ph.A.L.

The greatest journey begins with a single step.

Most of us at one point or another have had big dreams and grand goals of things we want to do, achievements we wish to attain, even places we desire to find be, but often times, before we begin, we talk ourselves out of it.

Under the guise of being "reasonable" or rational, we give ourselves all manner of excuse and explanation as to why what we want to do cannot be done.  Of course, thought patterns like this are self limiting and absolutely only guarantee one thing. If you think you can't, you're right! 

Some of us want to be right so bad, that we constantly tell ourselves what we can't do, then subtly and unconsciously follow a path of self fulfilling prophecy, so in the end we can feel gratified we were right all along.

What's amazing is, for most of us, everything we need to get started on the most lofty, most ambitious, most grandiose goals, are already within our possession.  For to begin, does not require having all ingredients necessary for completion.

Example: I've driven back and forth across the country so many times I've lost track.  Not once at the start of my journey, did I have enough gas in my tank to make it all the way.  This fact never stopped me from getting started.

Now obviously, to get to my destination, I would have to refuel several times, but observe closely as I break this down on how that really works.  Before I can refuel, I need to make space in my gas tank.  The way to do this, is by using the gas that's already in there. 

Driving down the road, in the direction of my ultimate destination, is the most effective and efficient way to use what I already have; a full tank of gas.  Note, it is impossible to add more fuel until I use at least some of what I already have.  See where I'm going with this?

In life it is often this way.  For those of faith, it is said God never gives you more than you can handle.  Most people think of this in terms of trials and tribulations, but I like to think it applies to talents and means too.  That is, to quote a song I love; "you only get what you give."

Driving down the road and using 10 gallons of gas means there's now room for me to add 10 more gallons. This contributes to my progress, because getting started with what I have already allowed me the potential to get to the point to where I needed more fuel.  No doubt, closer to my goal, then when I began.

It would be absurd of me to sit at the start of a long journey and fill my mind with doubt and trepidation because where I needed to go, took more gas than I had to get there.

Admitedly this story is a bit simplistic, but I've found in life, often things are far more simple than we make them out to be. Truly, much of it is on how we choose to look at things.

Whatever it is you think you really want to do, get started now! Don't tell yourself; I don't have enough money, not enough time, talent, education or what have you. Just begin! You already have more than you know, and by using what you got, or for the believers, showing yourself faithful with a little, allows room for you to have so much more.

My 10 gallon gas tank can take me from here to anywhere, 10 gallons at a time, or no where at all, if I sit and stall. It's all up to me. Just as your choices are up to you. 

Remember, you do not need everything necessary for completion, in order to begin. What a simple concept.

This was written on my phone lacking spell check and with tiny keys using fat fingers. You will pardon typos or errors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great essay. Thanks for sharing your blog with t he masses.