17 March 2015

It's Kiss MacArthur Day!

Ladies, now's your chance. It's a little known fact, but if you do it today you won't be in trouble with your man...

I suppose tis the season when EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in America is suddenly Irish. I'm not, but this is interesting.

The ancestors of the MacArthur family come from the ancient Scottish kingdom of Dalriada. The family name comes from the Celtic personal name Arthur. It denotes the 'son of arthur', which means noble one.

The roots of MacArthur definitely has some Irish origins, but make no mistake MacArthur is as Scottish as it gets. I suppose like Idi Amin, I could be the Last King Of Scotland. It's ok, I've settled for Chief!

So what are you waiting for? Come on, KISS ME!

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