25 March 2009

Last Letter To Sheila Dixon . . .for now

The words below are a republished email sent to Mayor Sheila Dixon. Over the years I've written to Mayor Dixon a few times, from different emails, and never got a response from her or any staff members. While at first I wanted to give her benefit of the doubt, just like I've been urging so many to do concerning her criminal charges, now I may be starting to take a different view.

I have nothing personal against Mayor Sheila Dixon, I'm actually quite fond and impressed of her love for fitness and health. The problem here is not Dixon the person, it's Dixon the Mayor. Because of the documented continual lack of response from Mayor Dixon, or anyone in her camp, my Spectator brain has begun working overtime trying to figure this out.

The letter below is the second one sent in recent days. Since this one was just sent today, I should probably reserve final judgment until the Mayor has had a real chance to review and respond. Truthfully though, based on past experiences of not hearing anything back from her or her staff, the Baltimore Spectator (that's me ;-) ) wants to know; despite winning the vote, despite the criminal charges, which may well be totally bogus, besides all that . . .

Has Sheila Dixon shown true leadership since she's been in office? Is she really the best for the job at this point in time? And finally; is Sheila Dixon what's best for Baltimore? Not a statement, just a question.

Now to you harsh cynics out there, I realize all of this postulating my be for naught, after all, come this fall when the criminal trial begins; we may very well receive our answer in the form of a courtroom verdict. I'm told by those in the know, inmates in jail really like writing and responding to letters. Maybe I should just wait huh?


To The Honorable Mayor Dixon;

My last letter to you has gotten no response. In a city such as this with so many I do not expect special treatment. Hopefully your busy schedule will allow you maybe a few moments today to read this email and watch the attached video.


The Maryland Public Service Commission is right now in the midst of a hearing determing whether the roughly 3000 professional taxi drivers of Baltimore City and Baltimore County should receive a 25% pay cut.

When this was first announced, myself and others immediately organized and launched a massive protest that paralyzed downtown Baltimore for nearly two hours. Although it was widely underreported and minimized by the media, trust me, if you were there, you would know just how massive and powerful of a statement it truly was. Ask the police, they know.

Today, due to our efforts, including the outstanding work of our attorneys, a special appeal hearing is proceeding to make a final determination. The PSC tried to slip this past us the first time, but we stopped it with an injunction. If some how the PSC were to prevail today and end up going forward with this pay cut to these hard working men and women, my organization is prepared to act.

Already in place are over 10,000 cab drivers from different cities and states poised ready to descend upon downtown Baltimore in a show of support and solidarity. In this tough economy, working people are deeply offended when well paid, government beaurucrats arbitraliy decide to dole out paycuts.

Despite what may seem to be a lack of any evidence right now, the reader should be reminded, the last taxi driver protest caught everyone including the police department by complete surprise. We are aware of efforts to spy and conduct intelligence, therefore, this next one was planned and plotted in the utmost secrecy and confidence.

Nothing in this letter should be viewed as a threat or a bluff. Merely a simple, plainly put statement representing the voice of thousands of workers coast to coast. Of which many have already made plans to descend upon Baltimore in spirited protest. There are so many of them it would be impossible for the police to stop them all. The jails are not big enough to contain them all. We have learned the lessons of other great civil demonstrators and know just how to make our point known.

None of this need happen, if the PSC is simply is urged and compelled to be fair, which so far they have not been. From view of the common man, it would appear the Maryland Public Service Commission has failed to serve and protect the citizens of Baltimore and the great State of Maryland. Again, the reader is strongly urged to not take this lightly despite any visible evidence. What may at first seem like a few irate drivers will quickly turn into an out of control tsunami, but it doesn't have to be that way.

The PSC must be fair and reasonable.

Yours in truth and service.

A.F. James MacArthur

Executive Chairman

Cab Driver Benefit Association Inc. (newly incorportated -- YourCabDriver.com learn more about the Cab Driver Benefit Association and Chairman MacArthur)

A non profit labor organization representing the voice of thousands coast to coast.

202-321-9203 - direct voice

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