25 March 2009

The Baltimore Spectator, An Elaborate Hoax?

Someone just wondered aloud near me, "isn't that the Baltimore Spectator guy?"

"Yes, it's definitely him," whispered their companion, "don't you see that silly little hat on his head."

The conversation went further; the following are not quotes, but a really good paraphrase.

Whisperer 1: Do you think the whole entire thing was an elaborate hoax. A smoke screen meant to misdirect, to throw off the trail, all the while allowing him to secretly build up his labor organization without anyone suspecting?

Whisperer 2: Yeah, I mean, think about it, he was able to gain unrestricted access to speak with legislators, business people and other prominent local leaders on a regular basis. Seems like a pretty crafty plan to me. Now that he's done that, a lot of people know his name and he has instant face recognition all over town, especially since he always wears that silly little hat.

Me, rudely interrupting: You two think I'm really that crafty and cunning, that coldly calculating that I could have perceived all this in advance?

Both Whisperers, stumbling over each others words: Um, well, um, hey, we didn't think you could hear us, but seriously, tell us, were we right? Was the Baltimore Spectator just a great elaborate hoax conducted to put you in the position you're in now?

Me: "You will never know." (walking away shaking head)

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