27 March 2015

Destiny Is By Design #MacArthursMusings

 "Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved."

-- William Jennings Bryant

Look deep within your heart. Figure out who it is you were meant to be. Then go for it with all your might. 

Don't care what people say. Follow your own way. Live YOUR life. Whether others choose to live it with you or not.
BELIEVE in destiny.
There will be plenty of setbacks and setups. Many will secretly desire to see you fail.
Friends and lovers will come and go. You will be used. Even abused.
In the great journey of life, sometimes we walk the road together, sometimes we must go it alone.
It's important to know, no matter what happens, stay focused. Eyes straight ahead. Keep moving.
Something great awaits you. It's yours if you want it. Now go get it!

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