24 May 2009

Beware Of Dog

Man's Best Friend Breeds Fear In The Hood

Since my earliest memories in urban law enforcement, I became aware of an innate irrational fear of canine's by many black city dwellers. After I became an animal control officer, my knowledge of this fear expanded. Didn't matter where I was. If I was in a major city, walking in the hood, and I had a dog with me, everyone kept their distance. Not sure if it's a result of conditioning from seeing so many vicious dogs bred for fighting and ferocity, or just overall fear of the unknown.

Do you live in the city? Afraid of going for a walk after dark? No problem, get a dog. The average city hoodlum is terrified over dogs. Whenever I take my dogs out for a walk, brothers often cross the street on my approach. Contrast this with the white folks who cavalierly approach and sometime without even asking, just reach out and pet the dog (I'm not responsible if they're bitten, no one told them to pet the dog).


Interestingly enough, when I go for walks in white neighborhoods, WITHOUT the dog, white folks often cross the street on my approach. WITH the dog, I get many smiles, waves, and nods. So let me get this straight. The same scary tough looking dogs that frightens some, attracts others? So the dog is held in higher esteem than the master? Go figure! What a world we live in.

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